Research Projects PRFU
Research Projects PRFU
( PRFU Program)
Project 01 (2022-2025):
Contribution to the synthesis of fractional feedback control laws for multivariable systems.
Project head: Pr. Boudjehem Badreddine
Advanced Control Laboratory (LabCAV), Université de Guelma.
Project 02 (2022-2025):
Design and development of a diagnostic aid system by classifying biomedical signals
Project head: Dr. Boukaache Abdelnour
Advanced Control Laboratory (LabCAV), Université de Guelma.
Project 03 (2018-2021):
Stabilization and control of systems with chaotic and hypercaotic behavior using fractional calculus.
Project head: Pr. Boudjehem Djalil
Advanced Control Laboratory (LabCAV), Université de Guelma.
Project 04 (2018-2021):
Intelligent control based on fractional order systems
Project head: Dr. Boudjehem Badreddine
Advanced Control Laboratory (LabCAV), Université de Guelma.